Blk Galloway American |
This is a unique marking unto itself. It is banded with Wht around the mid section. Rare, but possible.
It will be accepted in all colors (including Agouti) and the band in any recessive color.
Blk Magpie American |
This is unique in markings that the two colors are semi splashed and the face markings are divided down the center of
their forehead. Magpigs will be considered with White splashing only. They can be shown in any varieties (including
Agouti with Wht only ex: Beige/Wht, Chocolate/Wht, Lilac/Wht, Red/Wht, Cream/Wht and so forth).
This is another Mosaic variety but Roaned. Notice that
not all the Chocolate patches are roaned and just the Chocolate not the Red. This can also be presented in the Beige
variation as well. Isn't it weird, but oh so beautiful?
Slate American |
Slate are super dark Lilacs that do not change shades as they aged. They also have dark red (ruby) eyes.
This is a fancsinating varieties. I have personally seen them pop up in my Peruvians, Silkies, and Americans.
We have a small following with this variety. Hope they increase with numbers as this site grows.